Monday, August 21, 2006

Moscow and some sad goodbyes

5 People in our orgianl group of 10 were only here for two weeks so last weekend was their last week in Russia. Since they were all flying out of we all decided to go to Moscow for the weekend. Most of us took the train down (4 Hours) Friday afternoon and some others came down Saturday morning.
Moscow was awesome. We stayed about 8 blocks from Red Square and the Kremlin and did a lot of walking. The highlights for me (with pictures to follow tomorrow) where Red Square, GUM, and visiting the mosluem with Lenin in it. Quit a weekend. Moscow is very cosmopolitn, clen and they had an English version of the Moscow time ..Yiipppeee.

The train trip back to Yaroslavl was very sad for me. The five people that left were were really awesome and I was astonished how close I could get to someone in two weeks. 4 more leave this weekend and they have asked me to go with them to Moscow but I am not sure I can handle the train ride back. Very funny stuff for a introvert like me. Or maybe Bearus is an extrovert :).

The five..

Marie--This was her third Cross Cultural trip as she had already been to Ghana and Peru a few yers ago. Marie lives in Denver where she is a therapist, and she was a true joy to have on the trip. Maybe we can do another project together.

Karen is from Calagry and begins her college teaching career when she returns to Canada in October. She was going to stay in Europe for two more months traveling to Amsterdam, her beloved Dublin and then Paris. I enjoyed our conversations--thanks--aye

Jenny--My california girl. I told Jenny that of all the people I have ever met My first impression of her was the furtherest off base. My first impression was of a Valley girl and instead she has a heart the size of California. Thanks for caring about your fellow human Jenny.

Charlotte--Go Girl. I hope I have your energy and enthusiam when I get as young as you. You are an insppiration to us all. And thanks again for the hus at the Bonya :)

Kate now lives in San Fransico, went to Columbia, and just took her BAR exam before coming over here. She was leaving for St Pete and then Paris before going back.

Thanks all and send me an e-mail so we can share another laugh. You have made the beginning of my pilgrimage inspired and I will always be indebted to you.