Saturday, December 09, 2006

Small Towns in Eastern Europe

I have been spending the last few days in samll towns in eatern Europe before I start heading towards London to meet Lucas on the 16th. The further east you go in to some of the old Soviet Satelites, and the further you get away from the large cities the more Non english it gets. I really like that although sometimes it can really be tough buying train tickets, ordering food, finding your hostel, etc. This is especially true in countries that use other alphabets. But sooner or later you seem to end up where you are supposed to be. All in fun.
Lucas and I are meeting in London on the 16th and then flying to Milan on the 17th to hopefully catch a game of his beloved Inter Milan soccer team. We will be there for their Sunday and Wednesday games so hopefully we can get a ticket. Keep your fingers crossed.
But either way I cannot wait to see him so it will be a great 9 days regardless of what happens.