Monday, December 25, 2006

Things I am thankful for on my 48th December 25th--This one in London

1) The great memories created in the last 9 days from Lucas's visit.
2) My three hour walk this afternoon where I discovered Hampstead Heath, a great walking park.
3) 48 Decembers
4) A great Family
5) My new travel soap dish
6) The Master and Margerita-Thanks Nadia and Becky
7) The Alchemist-Thanks Nadia
9) The Idiot-Thanks Lucas
10) Clouds
11) All things Illuminated-Thanks Dasha
12) My Blue Car lesson
13) The Mayer family
14) Friends
15) My Mp3 Player
16) My parents
17) Sunrise
18) Sonja coming to see me this week
19) My Russian Experience
20) My November week in an apartment
21) Our trip to St Pete
22) The Red Sea
23) Nicholay's School
24) The Embackment
25) Yaroslavl
26) Stone Mountain
27) Prague and Becky and her to do List
28) The old man in Kakow
29) My last haircut
30) N.S.
31) Skype
32) Neal
33) Carver High School
34) Nieces and Nephews
35) Buying Russian shoes
36) Getting advice at McDonalds
37) The Staff at CCS
38) Rain
39) Fate
40) Time to read
41) Good Quotes
42) Mother Russia
43) All the volunteers I met..What a great group
44) E-mail
45) A free Blog
46) Eddies
47) The thrill of my first English speaking country in 132 days
48) Oxygen